
Asher quits ahead of move to Melbourne

July 30, 2023 10:22 am in by

AsherControversial Geelong councillor and former mayor Stephanie Asher has resigned and will leave her long-time home on the Bellarine Peninsula.

Geelong Broadcasters understands Asher, who headed up the council between 2019 and 2022, advised City of Greater Geelong CEO Ali Wastie of her decision in a lengthy resignation letter over the weekend.

The two-page document details what Ms Asher views as her leading achievements since she was elected to represent the Bellarine Ward at the 2017 council election.

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Originally hailing from Adelaide, Asher moved to Melbourne as a child and grew up in North Balwyn. She moved to Ocean Grove in 1999.

She stood as an independent for the seat of Corio in 2013, losing to current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles.

In 2022 Asher won preselection for the Liberal Party to run for the seat of Corangamite at the federal election later that year, temporarily handing over the mayoral robes to Cr Trent Sullivan.

After a bruising, error-riddled campaign she was soundly beaten by Labor encumbent Libby Coker, who enjoyed a 7 per cent swing to the ALP.

One month later she announced her resignation as Geelong mayor but chose to stay on as Councillor for the Bellarine ward.

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With the next council election still 15 months away, Bellarine ratpayers will now face a by-election to determine her replacement.

Image: Stephanie Asher (supplied)
