
Consultation may be required on Torquay pool

June 21, 2024 6:18 am in by
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The Surf Coast Shire will consider taking community feedback on a revised draft budget, which would include upgrades to the Surf Coast Aquatic and Health Centre.

It says due to unprecedented price increases, they will need more funding to make the project happen.

According to council, the full cost of the centre came after the draft budget had been released for engagement.

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It means another community engagement process for the project could be held.

Surf Coast Shire Council CEO Robyn Seymour said the timing meant they would discuss the options with the community.

“We need to have a budget in place to start the financial year, so council would need to consider any additional proposed changes to the budget as a separate process,” she said.

“If council decides to pursue the proposed new borrowings, Council’s loans and borrowings ratios will remain within the limits set by Council in the 10-Year Financial Plan and Council’s Borrowings Policy.

“Quantity surveyors assessed the project design in December 2023 and at that time determined the project cost would be in line with the project budget. When we went to market, the results came back significantly higher in the space of three months.”

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