A new poll says Geelong Council’s stance on Australia Day is receiving growing support.
Last year council voted to return to acknowledging January 26 as Australia Day.
“That is the day where we should all join together and focus on what is great and good and where we have commonality,” Mr Kontelj said in December.
“We are all proud of being Australian and that is the day we should focus on positive greatness and goodness of this fantastic lucky country.”
Now a poll from the Institute of Public Affairs’ shows a six percent rise in people agreeing it should be celebrated on January 26.
The new poll showed that 69 per cent of people responding to the statement “Australia Day should be celebrated on January 26” agreed with the statement, up from 63 per cent a year ago.
A major swing was also reported with young people, with the figure of 18-24 year olds agreeing with the statement increasing from 42 per cent to 52 per cent.